This Page Is for the Star of my yard..MR RED !!
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This little guy can eat...Just love Peanut Butter and Peanuts!

This is the star of my back yard. Mr Red !
I talked about tricks I use to get the animals to come to me...Check out Mr. Reds love of Peanut Butter :)
You will beable to see all the food I put out for him to eat. He does eat some but spends lots of time running back and forth to its nest.
I think you can see that no one is going to take M. Reds nuts away from him..
As you can see he tries to pull of the Gentle Giant thing and does it very well.
This is the funniest thing, he's licking his hands and he will grab the peanut butter and start all over again..A real to life clown !
I take these pictures with a remote set-up on my Minotla 7000. It looks like a flash unit but it really tells the camera I want to shoot a picture.
There I am sitting down and trying to mantain my figure, by sitting down and using my clicker to fire the remote. Hard work but it's worth it.

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